Our Spiritual Team
Take some time to get to know our Reverends, mediums, healers and friends featured below. They are a big part of making Diamond Rose what it is today. If they have a phone number below their bio, they can be contacted directly for their services.

Founder, Reverend & Medium
Barb Saiter
Reverend Barb founded Diamond Rose back in 2014 after recognizing the need for an all inclusive and completely non-denominational spiritual organization in NE Ohio. Previous to that, she served at Memorial Spiritual Church, IGAS in Ashtabula and The Church of the Angels in Chesterland. Barb is an integral part of DRSA, and uses her abilities as a medium to contribute to our All Message and All Healing Services, and help others with messages from Spirit.

Reverend & Reiki Master
Diane Kopp
Diane T. Kopp has focused on energy healing, channeling, teaching and facilitating workshops for more than 25 years. A few of the modalities and techniques she uses include Usui Reiki (Master), Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Vibrational Medicine and Medical Intuition. Ordained in the Order of Melchizedek, she is a licensed minister in the State of Ohio.

Spiritual Healer & Medium
Virginia Granc
Virginia 'Ginny' Granc focuses on healing while offering evidence that life continues on after what is called 'death'. She is studying and practicing mediumship through Lillydale Assembly in New York. Ginny believes that we are all one within the divine being, and that our loved ones are by our side guiding us through our life's journey.

Ordained Reverend
Victoria Russell
Reverend Victoria Russell was ordained in May 2022 by Diamond Rose where she has been a member since its inception in 2014. She strives to bring comfort and support to individuals in search of healing with an empathetic reading connecting on an emotional level.

Medical Intuitive & Medium
Candie Toska
Reverend Candie's sessions and readings are dedicated to all who are seeking a deeper connection with the higher realms and spirit world. Her mission is to bring clarity, support and guidance to life's challenges, whether they be emotional, financial, relationship, or more. She also provides comfort and support from the traumas of a passing loved one.

Ordained Reverend
Roxana Moore
Reverend Roxana Moore was ordained by Diamond Rose Spiritual Assembly May 22, 2022 after completing the Pathways program.
Now living in North Carolina, she continues to learn and develop by participating with the Diamond Rose Spiritual Assembly services via zoom. Her interests range from shamanic drumming, numerology, the enneagram to healing and also is a former Stephen minister and Kairos volunteer.

Reiki Master, MARI & Medium
Stacy M. Belcher
Reverend Stacy M. Blecher is a registered board certified art therapy instructor since 2006. Some of the modalities and techniques she uses in her spiritual practice include practical Reiki (Master), certified Mandala Assessment Research Instrument (MARI), and mediumship. Ordained by Diamond Rose Spiritual Assembly in 2022, she is a licensed minister in the State of Ohio.

Medium & Healer
Terri Ott
Reverend Terri has served at the Church of the Angels, IGAS and The Diamond Rose Spiritual Assembly. Reverent Terri went home to spirit on June 1, 2018. We know she will always be with us to help us.